About This Game Dr. Kevin White, a drug manufacturing manager in the same company was sent to a conference in Greenland. In turn, the ship was caught in the ice and crashed. The main character was thrown by an unknown island. Seeing the house, Kevin went there. Having found a tunnel through the wall, that prompted him to go to a place where it is better not to go. - Unique storyline that you can understand through letters and notes left by other people. - Simple but nice gameplay - Scary Monsters - Qualitatively selected music - Save a flashlight, because it can end and you'll stay in the darkness ... But you can solve this problem by picking up the batteries and you can turn on the lights with the help of electricity boards. - The game is a puzzle. 7aa9394dea Title: Alone K.W.Genre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:TeamWaterFlyPublisher:TeamWaterFlyRelease Date: 29 Feb, 2016 Alone K.W. Full Crack [pack] \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing had trouble loading 3 times and its boring good thing it was just a dollar. Absolutely terrible "game". And I say "game" because it was created using Game Guru, a drag-and-drop game maker. I froze on the first loading screen and ended up having to use the .exe to even start playing. I was met with laughable level design, Google translate letters, objects that glitched all over the place, a character who casually walks over EVERYTHING (including huge cabinets), and the silliest storyline imaginable. Thankfully it's all over with in just under 45 minutes.Bottom line is this: Don't bother wasting your time or money. Just don't.(For those who wish to see a 60 second video review I did of the game, see below)http:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=648414801. Made with the wonderful GameGuru!So many better free games + mods available.. avoid.https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=BFqBQ8FQoi0(cut out the 5-10min load times off ssd drive..). Absolutely terrible "game". And I say "game" because it was created using Game Guru, a drag-and-drop game maker. I froze on the first loading screen and ended up having to use the .exe to even start playing. I was met with laughable level design, Google translate letters, objects that glitched all over the place, a character who casually walks over EVERYTHING (including huge cabinets), and the silliest storyline imaginable. Thankfully it's all over with in just under 45 minutes.Bottom line is this: Don't bother wasting your time or money. Just don't.(For those who wish to see a 60 second video review I did of the game, see below)http:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=648414801. The horror genre has reached a new low with this game. Everything, from the visuals, to the setting, the atmosphere, the story, is just awful. And I understand, that not everyone is a native english speaker, but for crying out loud, if you're going to release a game to an international audience, have your spelling and grammar checked by someone who speaks decent english. If this game were free, I'd still request a refund for it.. Decent attempt.Main recommendation... Playtest again and again and again.GOOD- Atmosphere- Sound EffectsBAD- Everything else.Keep trying ;). This Game is absolute Garbage the 3 hours spent on this game was for the trading cards. The game design was so terrible that I couln't even get through 15 mins of it... this game is so bad it actually got me to get up and leave my apartment for 3 hours to drown my self in shots at the bar. I rate this Game 11\/10 if you want to become an alchoholic.
Alone K.W. Full Crack [pack]